Inspire Art Co. Application Process

Potential applicants are invited to attend a single group session as a visitor at the invitation of a current member.   To apply to become a member: 

  1. Submit an online application including one character reference and 2 or more samples of original artwork. Original artwork may be presented as photography, paintings, drawings, videography, mixed media, graphic design, sculpting, woodwork, and other forms of visual art.  Samples are required to demonstrate the artist’s style as well as proficiency creating visual art. 
  2. Upon application approval, the Director of Inspire Art Co. and Executive Director of Inspire Creative Company will conduct an interview with the applicant. 
  3. Read and sign the Inspire Creative Company Code of Conduct, Statement of Belief And Inspire Art Co. Terms & Conditions. 

Inspire Worship Co. Application Process

Potential applicants are invited to attend a single group session as a visitor at the invitation of a current member.  To apply to become a member:  

  1. Submit an online application including one character reference and 2 or more samples of original songs. Original songs may be presented as voice memos, demos, performed live, or professional audio and/or video recordings.  Original music is required to demonstrate the writer’s style as well as proficiency in lyric writing, music composition, or arranging.  
  2. Upon application approval, the Director of Inspire Worship Co. and Executive Director of Inspire Creative Company will conduct an interview with the applicant.  
  3. Read and sign the Inspire Creative Company Code of Conduct, Statement of Belief and Inspire Worship Co. Terms & Conditions.