Donate to inspire

Inspire is a refuge for artists.  It takes a brave vulnerability for artists to create and share their art with others.  Here at Inspire, we believe that the gifts of art and music are a powerful language that can cross cultural and political barriers to speak the gospel of Jesus.  We believe that message is worth sharing. We also believe that the creatives who speak these languages are worth the investment.

It is only possible for us to share that message through the generosity  and financial support of people like YOU!

Will you partner with Inspire Creative Company?  Be a part of our On Repeat giving challenge, through in-kind donations, or make a single donation today.

mail in donations

Prefer to write us a check?  No problem!  Mail it to our office:

Inspire Creative Company

126 N. Main Street

Kernersville NC 27284

Where do donations go?

Operating Costs: 

  • Online hosting fees (website, gmail, eventbrite ticket sales, financial software) 
  • Audio Visual support for online and live events 
  • Postage and print materials for events,  advertising and newsletters 
  • Event space rental fees 
  • Advertising (social media ads, etc) 
  • Art supplies and displays 
  • Staffing costs (see website for our staff directory) 

How else does INSPIRE recruit funding?  

  • Ticket sales  
  • Sponsorships from local businesses and organizations  
  • One time donors  
  • Time donations from volunteers  
  • Church partnerships  
  • Event Administration fees
  • Merchandise sales at events
  • Fundraising events (Yard sale, bake sales, etc.)

MOre ways to give back

set it and forget it with on repeat

Click the image for more info!

Fundraising events

Additional donations